— Decades of sales, closing and sales leadership expertise is here!
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About us.
The Academy is practical experience from leaders who have decades of expertise and a few newer leaders. In the same way a CSA is about community-supported agriculture in farming, this is sort of like a short cut for sales professionals to get great tips and expertise in sales, closing, and leading from people who have been there and done that.
Access to the Academy is for life. We know that you’ll go back and listen to the same course again at a different point in your career and hear something new that wasn’t applicable the first time around.
Certification in our three modules (Sales, Closer, Sales Leader) is built into the platform, and you can access the training from your laptop, tablet or smart phone.
We will be adding more courses and updating others (as sales and revenue functions continue to evolve). We will be adding a continuing education component and industry-specific content, too. So much more is coming… our Academy starts off with this master class of leaders adding value.

Years of Sales Experience
Wow… That’s a lot.
We’re bringing all that experience to you to help you shorten your learning curve!
Course Instructors
We have Chief Sales Officers,
VPs of Sales, Sales Directors, industry thought leaders and
specific domain expertise!
We have 20 published
courses and several more
already in the works!